By Lico M | One One Mall 編輯部20-Jun-2021
So delicate! South Korea's DAEWOO original juice slow grinder, screw pressure and slow squeezing make the juice zero residue and enjoy a silky and delicate taste.
Korean brand DAEWOO's new slow juice grinder has a compact body and a large-diameter feed inlet. The screw-pressed slow pressing makes pure juice with zero residue, which will not easily cause the oxidation of nutrients, allowing you to enjoy silky juice. The juice has a delicate taste.
95% high purity juice rate and large diameter feeding
Korean brand DAEWOO's newly launched slow juice grinder has a feeding opening of 8cm and can produce juice in 9 seconds without cutting fruits and vegetables. The pure juice rate is as high as 95%. The first squeeze is enough and there is no need to squeeze again. The cup capacity is 500ML, and a cup of fresh juice is delivered quickly.
▼ Left: A traditional juicer requires adding water, and the juice will be mushy and taste bad;
Right: DAEWOO juice machine, no need to add water, original flavor, pure taste
▼ The original juice machine can separate the residue and juice, and the pulp can be reserved for sorbet; the original juice can be slowly ground to retain the fruit flavor
Antique screw press slow extraction + metal-free filter
DAEWOO slow juice grinder uses antique screw pressure for slow extraction. It can easily squeeze high-fiber fruits and vegetables in seconds without any jamming. In addition, it abandons the traditional metal filter and adopts innovative bar-shaped filter holes to make the taste purer and ensure juice. No heavy metal elements.
▼ Left: Replicated stone grinding screw press, automatic hooking, 50 rpm low-speed extraction Right: Using innovative strip filter holes to ensure that the juice is free of heavy metal elements
▼ Compact, lightweight and easy to store, weighing 2.6kg; simple and easy to clean